Prof. Gabriella Olmo
Full Professor
Politecnico di Torino,
Control and Computer Engineering Department
Gabriella Olmo (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, in 1992. She graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Turin, in 2016, discussing a thesis on microtubule instability. She was an Assistant Professor and then an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Politecnico di Torino, where she founded a research group on image/video coding and multimedia. In 2017, she moved at the Department of Computer Science, Politecnico di Torino where she is currently a Full Professor. She collaborates with the Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Turin, the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Italian Institute of Technology, and the Center for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, “City of Health and Science” Hospital, Turin. She has coauthored more than 200 peer-reviewed articles. Among her multidisciplinary interests, signal processing and machine learning for neurodegenerative diseases. She is a member of the Italian Society of Neurology and the Movement Disorders Society.